Friday, November 30, 2007


I had this one client who came to me in trouble.

He had a very good selling web site but very little traffic to speak of. He was testing his headlines and his call to actions trying to get more sales, but it was really just a numbers game. Once we ran the numbers we found out that he had an excellent conversion rate, but just wasn't getting enough people to the site to make and kind of sales volume.

Once I got him to understand the problem was not that his site wasn't selling, we could address the problem of getting more visitors to view his site. We implemented a full marketing campaign into his site including many of the ideas in my book and soon he was driving a couple thousand more visitors to his site each month...then he disappeared...

He figured that he had found the magic formula. He implemented some of the ideas in my book and got some good results and thought that was it. He was done. He thought he would continue to get these results forever...he would soon find out the error of his ways.

The most important aspect of your marketing campaign is that it has to be a consistent ongoing concern that you will begin now and continue for the life of your web site and Internet business. You can NEVER STOP MARKETING! In fact you should Always Be Marketing your web site and product.

There are always more customers out there who are looking for your product or service, always! You will never run out of fresh eyes that want to visit your web site and read about you and your product.

Your job is to always be seeking your visitors out and making it EASY for them to find you. That is what my book is all about. Using the secrets in my book, I help you make it easier for your potential visitors and purchasers to find you and your web site.

This client of mine had sent out a few newsletters, set up some PPC ads and did some SEO but then he got busy with the day to day running of his business, filling orders etc, and stopped marketing.

By not being consistent in his marketing campaign he lost the momentum we had built and his visitors and sales started to dry up. By the time he came back to me to find out what went wrong, we had to start all over again from scratch.

The final secret of my Dynamic Web Marketing Secrets Mini Course is: CONSISTENCY IS THE KEY!

1. Be consistent in where you market
2. Be consistent in how you market
3. Be consistent in your marketing message
4. Be consistent in your marketing campaign

It is only through the repeated, consistent marketing message to your potential visitor that you will convince them to visit your web site and begin to trust you as the expert in your field.

Remember that only a small percentage of visitors purchase on the very first visit, most customers make repeated visits to your site before choosing to purchase and some can take up to 6 months or more before deciding to trust you enough to purchase.

Be consistent in your marketing campaign and over time you will exponentially gain Tons of High Quality Targeted Traffic to Your Web Site Each Month!

Your friend and consultant

Matt Man
Author: Dynamic Web Marketing Secrets:

PS. If you haven't already purchased "Dynamic Web Marketing Secrets" and started implementing my high quality targeted traffic building techniques into your web marketing campaign...WHY NOT? Seriously! I really want to know. Is there something I haven't addressed? Is there something your were looking for that I missed. E-mail me and let me know.

I put everything I know into this "tell all" program, and if that's not enough...I added a money back guarantee! If you find even 1 suggestion in my book that you can implement into your web marketing strategy immediately, it could result in Multiple Thousands of new visitors over the lifetime of your web site. Now THAT is something you don't want to miss out on!

Don't want to wait another minute to purchase your copy of "Dynamic Web Marketing Strategies" and start implementing my secrets, ideas and strategies that will dramatically increase your web site visitors today!