Sunday, November 25, 2007


One of my clients is a web site designer. He does a great job for his customers and they love him. He builds these wildly exciting interactive web sites that are Full Flash Movies. There are things moving and spinning across the screen. When you click something things shift and other stuff pops in. There is sound, and motion. Really incredible sites! There's only one problem...a few months after he builds them, his customers always come back to him wondering why the are not getting listed in the search engines, and not getting any traffic.

Now, I like the guy, I really do, but I have told him over and over.

DO NOT BUILD THE ENTIRE SITE IN FLASH!!! It is terrible, awful, horrible for the search engine spiders and the site will never get ranked optimally.

So he doesn't listen, and always comes back to me and says; um, ok so what can we do with the site now?

I always do my best to optimize the site but with very limited (or no) HTML text on the page it's almost impossible and can never be fully optimal for the search engines...

Todays Dynamic Web Marketing Secret is this, if you are building your web site or redesigning your site: DO NOT BUILD THE ENTIRE SITE IN FLASH.

Instead use elements of flash in your site but build the majority of the site in HTML so that the search engine spider can read the page and pick up on the keywords. As a little bonus today, make sure each page of your site has at lease 150 words of HTML text on it with your keyword (from day one) interspersed throughout the page.

When you build your site in HTML you have the opportunity to use all the META tags for the SE's and can optimally distribute your keywords throughout your visible text at the right keyword density for the search engines. Too much to go into here...but it's all in my book.

Your friend and consultant

Matt Man
Author: Dynamic Web Marketing Secrets

PS If you haven't already read my FREE Bonus Report "The 4 Guaranteed Ways to Increase
Your Internet Sales!" then stop whatever you are doing right now, open it up on your computer and start reading it! You don't want to wait another minute to start implementing the ideas and strategies included in this Free Report that will dramatically increase your bottom line today!